Offering services in counselling, parent, child + adolescent behaviour support.

Empower ME! Online Program

A self paced online program for parents with children aged 8 - 12 years old

Full curriculum available now

Brenda Spilva, BBSc (psych), Cert in CBT.

Hi! I am a Behavioural Practitioner and my mission is to harness potential in each individual so they can live their best, authentic life. I work with individuals, families and children to develop skills, overcome emotional challenges and empower them. I harness ways to create strategies and encourage growth through discovery and support.

Our Services


One on One counselling for those who are struggling with feelings of overwhelm, misalignment and negative sense of self.

PEERSĀ® One on One

Designed by UCLA and acclaimed evidence based practise for Young People with ASD to learn social skills.

PEERS for Schools

A school based social skills program that runs for 16 sessions to support high school students with ASD, ADHD or social anxiety.


Parenting Support

Now offering a range of support services from 30 minute phone consultations to supportive goal establishment and integration

Women of Agency

A new program that differs from counselling. Empowerment program for one on one support for women seeking support and framework to build inner confidence.

Online programs

Empowerment program for parents of children 8-12 now available online to purchase. Identifies ways to build confidence, sense of self and identity.



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